One Land Love It is a conservation and education focused non-profit company based in South Africa.

South Africa is the key location, home to the majority of the world's Rhino. While full of beauty, diversity and hope, simultaneously a grim picture is painted. One of a battlefield and unrelenting war, a slaughter house for the Near Threatened White Rhino and Critically Endangered Black Rhino, with rhino populations decimated over the last decade due to greed and false prophecies about the “benefits” of their horn. 


Recent statistics show a 67% drop in Kruger National Park’s white rhino population over the last 10 years and 35% decline for the critically endangered black rhino in the last 8 years – shocking, considering this is in a park representing the bastion of rhino conservation. Officially only an estimated 3 529 endangered white rhinos and 268 critically endangered black rhinos are left in the park, a combined population of less than 4000. (Estimates are that these figures are actually much lower.) Although poaching statistics indicate a decline, the overriding concern is that there are in fact less rhino available to poach.

Our goal is to do everything possible to protect the Rhino and ensure the survival and success of the species for future generations by running various targeted initiatives. One Land Love It operates on multiple fronts including direct rhino support which includes:


  • Collaring procedures including purchase of foot collars / AI infrastructure (gateways)
  • Dehorning where necessary
  • Notching
  • Veterinary fees
  • Helicopter fees - procedure / rescue / anti poaching
  • Sampling, analysis and recording of Rhino DNA on a national database
  • Assistance with relocation of rhino for genetic diversity, management and sustainability
  • Rhino Orphanage support e.g. equipment, provision of supplements and milk powders for orphaned calves
  • Anti Poaching Unit training / support


As well as support of Anti-Poaching Units, Wildlife Crimes Prevention Units, Rangers, school and community education and awareness outreaches and programmes.


Partners of the 'celebrating Women in conservation' campaign

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environmental crime hotline 0800 205 005 or the SAPS number 10111

Report any suspicious activities around wildlife!

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